
What I found a bit hard was to accommodate all the information about the sport in just 10 slides, Taekwondo is a very extensive sport but I still believe that I was able to accommodate the information well. In terms of what was made easy for me; shaping the presentation, and talking about the subject was super comfortable. I didn’t learn from the process but I realized that if you know what you’re talking about, if you understand the material, the process and fluidity of your work will be much more efficient.

Reflection #2: Second presentation – Top 5 Best Taekwondo Athletes

The hardest thing for me was finding another topic for this second presentation, because although the sport is quite extensive, I felt like I had covered most of it in my first presentation. The easiest thing for me was to present it. Just like last time; as my subject’s something that I have plenty of knowledge about, and practice daily, my ability to flow and explain my information is quite extensive. The powerpoint process as such was more bearable, as this is the second reflection and one gets the hang of it. In terms of the video I found, it was relevant to the topic because I talked about the top 5 in Taekwondo and my video was about the highlights of my personal favorite athlete, linking the video I had no difficulty, I did it from the same powerpoint application instead of looking for the link. To improve, I would look for less “basic” information on Taekwondo, so if I had other related presentations, I would find more diverse topics.

Reflection #3: Special Work Sheet

Two apps that I found striking were soundcloud and netflix. From souncloud, the element that caught my attention is that everyone can upload music and you can download music. From Netflix, I was very interested in that with a subscription, you can download movies or tv shows and watch them offline. I think that these same applications would be the ones that would make the most use of it, since I really like music and Netflix is ​​showing good TV shows and movies.

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